Swingin' on Air!
Airtopia is your gateway to the most exhilarating gravity-defying moves that Lindy Hop has to offer.​​​

What are Air Steps?
Air Steps is what Lindy Hoppers call aerials. Air Steps are when one partner's feet leaves the ground, supported by the other partner to do some fancy flyin'.

What's in a name?
The name Air Steps was coined by the Ambassador to Lindy Hop, Frankie Manning, who lived and danced in the 30's and 40's and who invented many of the moves we do today, including creating the very first Air Step! The name Air Steps emphasizes that these moves aren't just specialty moves, they are part of the dance, to express the rhythm of the music in real time. They are, in a very real sense, steps that just happen to be in their air!

How can I learn Air Steps?
Swingtopia Dance offers monthly workshops in Air Steps. These workshops will challenge you physically and mentally. They will prepare your body in strength and flexibility, and teach you how to dance into and out of aerials in a safe manner.

When is the next Air Step Workshop?!
So you wanna do Air Steps, eh? You think you can handle it! Let's do this thing! There are workshops every Third Sunday of the month. Check out the website or Facebook for more details or email info@swingtopiadance.com.