New to dancing? Start by going to our beginner Lindy Hop classes from the beginning of a dance course.

You don't need a partner as we rotate partners in class, and we start right from the beginning so you don't need any experience!
Swingtopia Dance is based in the beautiful art deco Mt Lawley Bowling Club. Classes occur every Monday, and sometimes you can get a taste of different swing styles on Wednesday nights.

Each dance course is four weeks long. Lindy Hop is so big we need two beginner courses to fit it all in!
The Basic Beginner Course introduces you to the absolute basic swing dance footwork. This is by far the easiest, and will get you up on the dance floor with a range of moves at your disposal.
The 8-count Beginner Course introduces you to 8-count footwork. You don't need to do the Basic Beginner Course in order to do this course. This course is the more difficult of the two and will allow you to sink your teeth into the challenging world of 8-count.
Below are the course starting dates for 2025. These can change over the course of the year due to unforeseen circumstances, pandemics, monarch's dying, you know, the usual. So if you're interested make sure you send us an email confirming when you'd like to start.
Jan 13
Feb 17
Mar 24
Apr 28
May 26
Jun 30
Jul 22
Aug 25
Sept 22
Oct 27
Nov 24