We love Balboa! So it is with great relish that Azza and Lauren get to teach you a dance they are both passionate about!
Don't know what it is? Have a look at the video of Bobby and Kate, international Balboa teachers, as they give a demo.
We are commencing an all *NEW* Balboa beginner class on Mondays at 7pm, from the 13th February.
It will be half an hour of beginner Balboa steps that you can either dance by themselves or include in your other swing dancing.
The Swing Beginners and Intermediates will still be on, just half an hour later at 7:30pm and 8:30pm
Balboa Beginner 7pm
Swing Beginner 7:30pm
Swing Intermediate 8:30pm
WHERE: Wembley Community Centre
40 Alexander St, Wembley
COST: $10 Balboa only, $15 Swing only, $20 both
WHY: Because dancing is awesome!!!!!
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/events/802305933250911/