Howdy folks, it's time to Jump for Apollo, that is to say, the Apollo Jump!
Set at the beautifully retro Forrest Croquet Club, there will be DJ'ed music, home-made food, a tea and coffee stand, and every conceivable kind of swing dancing you can imagine (and some you can't!)
Bring a plate to share, we've so far had Iranian and Croatian food, what else can we add to the list of international food?
BYO alcohol as well.
Dress is full vintage or vintage Christmas.
There'll be the annual Gingerbread Competition, this year themed as the Mojo Dojo Casa Gingerbread House Competition! If you think you've got what it takes, bring along your Kenough Creations!
There'll be a performance or two, and more dances than you can throw a very large stick at. If you want to join in, brush up on your Shim Shams, Tranky Doos, Big Apples, Nitty Gritty's and Tush Pushes!
WHAT: Apollo Jump
WHEN: 7pm, 18th Nov 2023
WHERE: Forrest Croquet Club, 66 Harold St, Mt Lawley
COST: $15
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