It's a revival swing!
Swing dance classes are starting again on Monday 16th May!
The beginner class will start off with a THREE-WEEK course. This course is shorter because of WA Labour Day.
There next will be FOUR-WEEKS ending on July 4th. After that Swingtopia will go on break again to tour around regional WA in July! (The second course was previously advertised as THREE-WEEKS)
Before that happens though we'll be putting on an Apollo Jump in June! It's a monthly dance with a creative interpretation of monthly! Save the date for Saturday 11th June!
Swing on!
Beginner Course I
7pm Monday 16th May
Apollo Jump
7pm Saturday 11th June
Beginner Course II
7pm Monday 13th June
Azza Gee.
Azza is a lifelong swing dancer, the founder of Swingtopia Dance in Perth, Western Australia, and a lover of Bubble Tea. Sign in to comment below, or send your thoughts to info@swingtopiadance.com.
Sign in to comment below, or send your thoughts to info@swingtopiadance.com.