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It's all class at Wembley Hotel! Grab a drink, sit on the balcony, take a class, then dance to some good old jazz!
Swingtopia Dance classes take place in the Wembley Hotel, a vintage building from 1932. This was the same decade that the Lindy Hop took flight across the world! After a recent renovation Wembley Hotel once again has it's vintage vibes on show especially in the alleyway. Upstairs you can practice on the beautiful wooden floors.
Casual drop in each week.
The Practicum combines the best of social dancing and teaching. It's designed for all levels, whether you're a complete beginner or more advanced. The teachers will come around and give you material to work on, then you get to put it straight into social dancing!
Every Thursday
7:00pm Lindy Hop Practicum
Cost: Casual entry $15 for 1 class
Wembley Hotel
344 Cambridge St
Wembley, Perth